Resource Groups
A healthy, successful Resource Group is:
– Primarily focused on meeting a specific need for a specific audience
– A place to find support, care, and wisdom
– Often developed in response of a growing need that has been identified within our church family
– Operates between a specific set of dates, typically once a week
– Highly dependent on carefully selected curriculum that approaches human issues with solid Biblical truth
– Highly repeatable
– Participants can fluctuate depending on the season or as their needs dictate
– Can have high accountability, specifically around the application of material taught
– Measures success by seeing group members apply resources to their particular situation
Single & Parenting – From the creators of GriefShare and DivorceCare
SUNDAY | 11:00 AM | 111D – back | Victoria Overton |
GriefShare begins January 26, 2025
SUNDAY | 4:00 PM | 111D – back | Janet Vanderford |
Step by Step Blended Family Ministry: The Smart Step Family Marriage
WEDNESDAY | 6:00 PM | 204B | Rob and April Dempewolf |
THURSDAY | 6:00 PM | 121D | Keith and Denise Robinson |