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Our Singles Ministry exists to live everyday captivated and changed by Jesus by walking together. It’s a place for you to connect with God and each other as we strive to grow in knowledge of Christ by spending time in the word and building each other up through fellowship.



Study: Singles Study Groups – The Gospel of Mark (ages 35 and above)
Day/Time: Sundays at 8:00 AM
Leader: Janet Vanderford/Joey Coleman/Pam Shirley | //
Location: Room 207D

Study: Young Adult Life Group (18-25)

Day/Time: Sundays at 9:30 AM
Leader: Andrew and Heidi Riddick |
Location: Room 210B – Room 4

Study: Single Moms Life Group: Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer
Day/Time: Sundays at 11:15 AM
Leader: Hannah Nipps |
Location: Room 201D

Study: Young Professionals (25-35 Young Adults)
Day/Time: Sundays at 11:15 AM
Leader: Kourtney Coker |
Location: Room 210B – Room 4

Study: Single & Parenting [From the creators of GriefShare and DivorceCare]
Day/Time: Sundays at 11:15 AM
Leader: Victoria Overton |
Location: Room 111D-back

Day/Time: Sundays at 3:30 PM
Leader: Janet Vanderford |
Location: Room 121D


Study: Young Professionals Life Group (Post college/career singles, ages 25-35)
Day/Time: Mondays at 7:00 PM / OFF CAMPUS
Leader: Barrett Adams  I 


Study: Young Adults Women Study
Day/Time: Tuesdays at 6:45 PM
Leader: Kayla Brander |
Location: Room 209D

Study: Young Adults Men Study
Day/Time: Tuesdays at 6:45 PM
Leader: Lawrence White |
Location: Room 205D


Day/Time: Thursdays at 6:00 PM
Leader: Marci Phillips/Keith and Denise Robinson |   
Location: Room 111D – Front Area

Study: River Oak College Ministry Life Group (ages 18-26)
Day/Time: Thursdays at 6:45 PM
Leader:  Caleb Waldrop |   
Location: Youth Room (210B)

Single Men Life Group (35 and better)
Day/Time: Thursdays at 6:00 PM
Leader:  Laurence Johnson |
Location: 205D

Study: Young Men’s Life Group (Ages 30-40) – Biblical Practices
Day/Time: Thursdays at 7:00 PM
Leader: Matt Elliott |
Location: 207B


Study: Fellowship of Christian Adult Singles [FOCAS]
Day/Time: 1st and 3rd Fridays at 6:30 PM
Leader: Janet Vanderford/Laurence Johnson | /
Location: Coffee Bar

Single Adult Military Ministry 
Friday / 6:30pm / off campus / Gary Sanders (men) or Debbie Culpepper (women) / , 



** Singles II – Connect with others that are on the journey through various events throughout the year. Singles II is a part of the Women’s Ministry.  They are a group of single women from many walks of life (to include widowed, divorced, never been married etc…) that seeks to connect others that are on that journey with various events, trips and many other things that encourage their walk with Christ and relationships with each other.  (Please note that we are not exclusive to “single women” and often invite others to join us.) Email for more details.